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Healthy January 0.4

Herbal tea

This time we made a hot drink, an herbal tea that combines those plants that remind us of Italy and that also have healthy properties for our body such as promoting detoxification.

Nettle is native to all Europe — Urtica dioica, called ortica in Italian, is an herb with amazing properties! First of all, nettle leaves are extremely nourishing and a great source of iron and antioxidants, which has little to do with detox, but it’s something we —especially us ladies— should always remember! Nettle is also mildly diuretic which means that it can support the urinary tract and stimulate water retention. It can also work as an antihistamine, helping with allergic responses.
Another amazing herb that comes from Souther Europe and is largely used in Italian cuisine is liquorice. This herb can promote detoxification in the cells, help getting rid of the mucus after a chest infection, improve elimination with its mild laxative effect.
In the mix Giulia and I also put fennel seeds, diuretic and soothing for the gut, and anise with its antimicrobial and anti-oxidative properties.

Detox tea per 500ml water
3 g dried nettle leaf tea
3 g dried liquorice root
3 g fennel seeds
2-3 anise seeds